Mother and Baby

Orbital Homes is proud to be supporting young mums. We believe that early intervention and support is critical for the young mums. As a supported accommodation service, Orbital Homes is designed to provide support to the young mums and to help and sign post them to specialist services. Our idea is of a society where all mother particularly young mums are supported and provide their babies the best in their life. Being a young mum can be difficult at times. They are often lack the confidence, we therefore provide advice and outreach support to the young mums to help them in meeting multifaceted challenges. We help them building confidence and help them in pathways. We do not judge young mums with the stigma of underage pregnancy but make them fully explore this experience and make them realise their potential. We are working in partnerships with different health organisation and local authorities to support young mums in housing, education and employment.

Support into employment

We focus on helping our young people overcome their challenges and in supporting them with maintaining their attendance. For those who are not ready to access EET, we encourage them to take our online courses through The Training Hub, more than 60 certificated training courses, devised specifically for young care leavers, including Online Safety, Radicalization & Extremism, Safeguarding, Knowing my Rights. Due to a collaboration between the Open University’s Future Learning project and Orbital Homes, we are able to offer our young people who are NEET the chance to undertake structured Entry Level courses to encourage them back into education. These online courses can be completed on a smart phone and take around 3 – 4 hours of study a week over a 4 – 6-week period. There are a huge number of topics to choose from and a certificate is available at the end of the course if all elements are passed. We will incentivize our young people to take the courses by offering rewards for completion and promoting their achievements in the house on the achievements wall. We will encourage and offer support/guidance to the young person to complete assignments or tasks, encouragement will be given to attend the library where necessary and access resources.

Moving-on Plan

Our service is in place to help young people/ care leavers transition smoothly from care into their own homes. To help the young people achieve independence, Orbital Homes delivers a structured programme of care and training called Preparation for Independence and Transition to Adulthood Units 1 – 4, which is individually tailored to suit the needs of each young person who comes to us. This is an AQA-accredited independent living skills programme, delivered at both Entry Level and Level 2. The course covers all aspects of leaving care, and is delivered by keyworkers possessing teaching experience and trained by AQA. We will help young people/care leavers understand all aspects of maintaining their own tenancy in preparation for move on. This will include training on understanding and paying bills, how to clean their own home, understanding property maintenance issues, safety measures to take when living alone and gaining a full understanding of their legal requirements as a tenant as well as understanding how to deal with landlords and/or housing providers.

Domestic Violence

When thinking of supporting young people who experience DV we feel safeguarding is imperative – and ‘hearing’ the YP’s voice is also just as important. When thinking about safeguarding we feel advice and guidance should be given in respect of ‘non-molestation order’. Outside agencies can be utilised for this such as ‘Solace’ ( who assist in applications for non-molestation orders; once this protection is in place it is time to ‘get to work’ on educating the YP as they may not realise the dangerous situations they have found themselves in – and also those that are close to them such as friends who would try and protect them. Individualized key working to commence on areas such as
  • Equality – know your rights
  • Sexual and sexist bullying
  • Good and bad relationships
  • Sexting – how to say no
  • What is love?
  • Gang member or girlfriend
  • Unsafe relationships – where can someone get help or support

Again – source outside agencies such as the aforementioned ‘Solace’ – there is also ‘Ava’ and an agency which has proved extremely helpful is ‘Transform UK’ who offer face to face support in the community and also assist with sexual health interventions.

  • Talk to them about what they are experiencing, if possible, this can be in a chosen place the YP identifies and must be away from the abuser. 
  • The YP would need to be told that this will need to be shared and a safeguarding will need to be raised and reassure them that we are here to support them. (Social Services involvement) 
  • A safety plan will need to be discussed and depending on this the YP may need to be moved to a ‘safe place’ where the abuser cannot find them. Safety plans focus on risks the young person is facing, their physical and emotional needs and equipping them to make choices that may keep them from serious harm.
  • YP will be given all information and supported with contacting help lines and support will be offered to get professional help with any trauma / mental wellbeing side of this.
  • We would ensure that extra support is put into place to support YP to carry on being able to live a ‘normal life’ and provide emotional support where needed. This may just be a session where YP sits and talks about how they are feeling.
  • There may be some police proceedings that need to take place, we would support the YP with this, so they do not feel alone in the process. 
  • Non-molestation order may need to be filled. 
  • We will support the YP to build their confidence back up and do key working sessions around positive relationships this will support the YP to be able to move on from the past trauma and enable and empower them to be able to live their life and make their own decisions going forward with the right knowledge and support around them.

Outreach services

We understands that a young person may find returning to employment, education or training (EET) extremely intimidating and may not have had positive experiences in the past. Some young people may have mental health issues or learning challenges which are a barrier to engaging with EET initiatives. Our keyworkers focus on helping our young people overcome their challenges and in supporting them with maintaining their attendance. For those who are not ready to access EET, we encourage them to take our online courses through The Training Hub, more than 60 certificated training courses, devised specifically for young care leavers, including Online Safety, Radicalisation & Extremism, Safeguarding, knowing my Rights, fire safety, first aid, future focus where I am going? Drug and Alcohol awareness, gangs and groups offenders, health nutrition’s and wellbeing, knife crime prevention, LGBT Youth- Be in the know, Loneliness and isolation, Anti Bullying to name a few.

Due to a collaboration between the Open University’s Future Learning project and Orbital Homes, we are able to offer our young people who are NEET the chance to undertake structured Entry Level courses to encourage them back into education.  These online courses can be completed on a smart phone and take around 3 – 4 hours of study a week over a 4 – 6-week period.  There are a huge number of topics to choose from and a certificate is available at the end of the course if all elements are passed.  We will incentivise our young people to take the courses by offering rewards for completion and promoting their achievements in the house on the achievements wall.

The key worker will encourage and offer support/guidance to the young person to complete assignments or tasks, encouragement will be given to attend the Library where necessary and access resources. Many young people have been benefited and have taken advantage in securing employment. Key workers will help young people in creating CV’s and trainings are reflected on the CV.

Orbital Homes is considering extending the range of services we offer by.  These are areas we would like to develop with our partner organisations and would be happy to discuss:

  • Offering our own Social Care Apprenticeships
  • Bidding for additional funding which will allow us to enable social enterprise by offering entrepreneurship coaching to our young people and encouraging them to set up their own legitimate businesses (offering a small contribution back to Orbital Homes to co-fund new spin out businesses)
  • Sponsoring a scholarship at a recognised London University for disadvantaged people
  • Working with the Business Improvement Districts to employ our young people as Street Champions 
  • Creating Orbital Homes Employment Services to act as an employment agency brokering training and employment opportunities that do not affect benefits to allow young people access to remunerated work experience
  • Training young people to become volunteers.

Mental Health

Every year, one in four of us will experience difficulty in mental health. We will provide support to overcome experiencing a mental health problem. Our vision is to empower young people in an early stage. We help young people by providing range of advice to maintain and improve their overall wellbeing.

Stay Safe

Child sexual exploitation is an issue of national concern. This remains a unrelenting concern to us. We ensure that our staff are proactive in safeguarding young people in our care. If any information in relation to CSE, DV or substance misuse is disclosed, staff will act immediately to implement a support strategy.We work closely with the Local Safeguarding Team to ensure that young people in our care are protected from CSE and substance abuse. Although we have robust safety measures in place, we are always vigilant because our young people are always considered at risk of abuse and exploitation, because their vulnerability may make them a target. If there is an incident, then a meeting will take place involving all professionals involved in the care of the young person to review the management of the incident, agree a formal resolution, review the current care plans and set a date for reviewing the decisions made.