Semi – independent accommodation and support

Orbital Homes has developed a unique model of support, captured in our mission statement “Because young people’s future matters”.  Our homes are designed to cater individual needs.

We have built our offer of quality accommodation underpinned by care and essential education.

Young people may be vulnerable, lack English language skills, have had disrupted education and lack the personal resources to succeed in living independently. To ensure positive outcomes for our young people, we do not just provide accommodation, because that is not usually enough to help them succeed – they need care, mentoring in life skills and a basic education to be safe, considerate citizens, and to live independently within their local community.


Our homes are designed to feel very much like a starter flat to help young people get used to this style of accommodation, which is typical for most people in London under the age of 25.


We will match young people with a keyworker based on the young person’s needs and preferences. Together, the keyworker and the young person will create a support plan (action plan) which takes into account the young person’s hobbies and interests, any specific needs.


The action plan may include referral to a local college or training provider for qualification-bearing training such as an ESOL course or vocational training. We also deliver a structured AQA-accredited programme of care and training to boost independent living skills called Preparation for Independence and Transition to Adulthood (Entry Level and Level 2), which is individually tailored to suit the needs of each young person.
Young peoples’ progress on their action plan is monitored on their Outcome Tracker and stored on CHARMS, a secure database for storing all information relating to young people and sharing reports with local authorities.